Sunday, September 18, 2011

Wow, long time no post.

So, I'm kind of appalled at how horribly I've kept up with this blog. A lost has changed in the past two months, a whole lot. For one, I'm not going to New York Film Academy. I went to the school, and it was a complete joke. When the professor even agrees with the students about running the other direction, you know you shouldn't go there. I was so disappointed, but glad that I went to sit it on a class before putting down my deposit. So now, I'm applying to schools all over again and praying to God that I'm accepted into one of them.

On a more positive, note, I met the most amazing guy. I mean, truly just amazing. I've never met anyone who understands me the way that he does and I don't know that I ever will. His name is Alex and he's the greatest. The only thing that sucks so far is that he lives in New York City, and I live in Virginia. I actually got to spend five days with him and just took him to catch his bus back to the city a few hours ago. I miss him terribly, but I'm so glad I got to spend as much time as I did with him. And in November we're going on a 10 day Florida vacation, which is going to be amazing, I'm sure.

So now I have to get used to being alone again. Church helps though. Well, it's not really church, it's like, youth outreach and bible study classes and stuff, but still, I'm meeting new people, which is really great. And I think anytime you read the bible, you're given so many opportunities to learn new things about yourself and re-evaluate how you're living. And right now in my life, it's the perfect time to be re-evaluating things.

On a completely random note, I got a new camera, and I'm in love. It's not a Nikon, because those are insanely expensive, but it is a FUJIFILM, and it's been really great so far. I've had a blast taking pictures with it. I can't wait until to capture the leaves falling and the cooler weather. Fall is my favorite.

Anyways, I'm kind of tired. Gonna go be a nerd and read some more Harry Potter (I'm reading all of the books from Sorcerer's Stone again) and then I'll probably hit the sheets.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

I found out today that I was accepted into the acting program at New York Film Academy. I'm so happy!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

I love the acting business. I really do. But you know what? Getting audition information the night before is so exhausting. Like, tomorrow I have a film audition in the morning, voice rehearsal all evening, and the next day I have a six hour dance rehearsal. Oh, and I woke up this morning with my throat on fire and my body aching. Ughhh. Things have been crazy.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Today was really fantastic. I had four hours of Hairspray today. I got made one of the three "Dynamites", found out I'm going to double as ensemble, AND, I was made a dance captain. So, right now I seriously feel like I'm on fire. Lol. I'm completely exhausted now though. Icing my legs so that I'll be able to move tomorrow when we go to visit family. Hopefully it will be a drama free day tomorrow. We'll see.